


Guess I’ve become a post-a-month-er. So, the most relaxation I’ve had in weeks… hanging out with my friends’ cats and house sitting for them.  Love it!  Screened in porch, cup of coffee and a purring cat.  Aaaahhhh. 🙂


I’ve been getting the urge to write again. I used to write a lot, and it always seemed to make me feel better to share it with others. Even just a statement of gratitude. Lately I haven’t seemed to have much to say, unless it entails wondering out loud why humans are so frustrating and infuriating. I recently read a suggestion in a blog that I follow to “be discerning and inventive in how you speak, primed to name the unexpected codes that are always being born right in front of your eyes. Turn your imagination into an ebullient laboratory where the somethings you create out of nothings are tinctured with the secret light you see in your dreams of invisible fire.” (~Rob Brezny: Sacred Advertisement paragraph below horoscope)

That is my new goal for writing. So, here’s a start…

Never have I known a hardship that I did not overcome. The trials in my life have all been such great teachers that I can’t even regret them. The outpouring of love that flows from the universe to the core of my being is an endless blessing. You, my friend, are a ray of light flashing your brilliance back to the sun that shines on that surging wave; a rainbow appears overhead. 🙂



Rob Brezny’s Free Will Astrology

Capricorn Horoscope for week of June 2, 2011

 Describing muckraking journalist Peter Freyne, Senator Patrick Leahy said, “He knew the difference between healthy skepticism and hollow cynicism.” Mastering that distinction happens to be your next assignment, Capricorn. Can you distinguish between your tendency to make compulsive negative judgments and your skill at practicing thoughtful and compassionate discernment? My reading of the astrological omens suggests that you will have a successful week if you do. Not only that: The universe will conspire to bring you blessings you didn’t even realize you needed.
In addition to these love letters I write for you, I offer EXPANDED AUDIO HOROSCOPES. They’re designed to help you go further in exploring the mysteries of your strange and wonderful life. You can sign in and access them here. Meanwhile, if you’re new to Free Will Astrology and would like to get acquainted with my music and spoken word stuff, here’s a free podcast: It’s called RE-GENIUS YOURSELF.


“The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words,” said Terence McKenna in Alien Dreamtime, “and that if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish.” Here’s my version of that hypothesis: What world you end up living in depends at least in part on your use of language.

Do you want to move and breathe amidst infertile chaos where nothing makes sense and no one really loves anyone? Then speak with unconscious carelessness, expressing yourself lazily. Constantly materialize and entertain angry thoughts in the privacy of your own imagination, beaming silent curses out into eternity.

Or would you prefer to live in a realm that’s rich with fluid epiphanies and intriguing coincidences and mysterious harmonies? Then be discerning and inventive in how you speak, primed to name the unexpected codes that are always being born right in front of your eyes. Turn your imagination into an ebullient laboratory where the somethings you create out of nothings are tinctured with the secret light you see in your dreams of invisible fire.
The preceding oracle comes from my book, PRONOIA Is the Antidote for Paranoia: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings.

~Rob Brezny’s Free Will Astrology


“I live my life in growing rings
which move out over the things around me.
Perhaps I’ll never complete the last,
but that’s what I mean to try. I’m circling around God, around the ancient tower, and I’ve been circling thousands years; and I still don’t know:     am I a falcon, a storm or a great song.”



This week has gone by quickly! Sending out gratitude to soldiers for all their hard work, training, and courage. Memorial Day is coming up. I donated to the American Legion today and got this lovely flower. 🙂

Also sending healing energy to the family and friends of Nathan S., of Mount Vernon, may he rest in peace.

Much Love,



Well, I’m excited about moving back to Iowa City this summer. I’ll live close to my friends again on the Southeast side. Woo-hoo! Lots of work to do before that happens, though; packing, cleaning, and all kinds of address and service changes. Sheesh, It’s been 9 years since I moved. I’m so ready, though. It will be a joy to have more space, and a garage! Yee-Haw! Can you tell I’m excited?

Random Beauty

A room in the house on the rock

I took this photo at House on the Rock in March of 2008.  The weather was quite cold, like today.   I remember being struck by the beautiful shapes and colors of the glass.  It’s amazing to think of the process of collection and arrangement that took place to achieve this presentation.  I see a theme of color and a recurrence of shapes.  The former seems more a matter of taste, sort of natural palette of spring colors, but I can’t help feeling that the shapes, although somewhat a show of preference, are at least partially dictated by function.  I have to admit that the evenly spaced rows and columns of the shelving really makes the whole display stand out.  The contrast of the dark angles of the wood nicely frame the effervescent curves and varying hues of the light playing on the glass.   It’s reminiscent of looking at a grove of trees through a multi-paned window, with the blue sky showing between various types and shapes of leaves.  Guess I’m just waxing equinoxical.  Wish it would warm up a bit!  Sending love and hugs…


windy, rainy, and 43˚aka My Spirit is Uplifted!

A week ago I went to a free class at the public library called Spring Cleaning for the Mind. It’s presented by a local foundation specializing in ontological learning.

The Iowa City Learning Foundation

“Ontological Learning
Ontology is a study of being and an inquiry into the nature of human existence. Learning about our Way of Being in the world is ontological learning.”

We identified thinking patterns and/or beliefs that we felt needed to cleared away from our way of being. One thing I’ve noticed that has been clogging up my way of being for a while now is a sense of having a heavy weight pressing down upon me. I sometimes have the impression that the weight of the world is on me.

So that ‘s the clutter I’m clearing. We then identified a thought to replace the clutter once we opened up a space for something new or cleaned the window/mirror for a different view, or adjusted our perspective for a fresh angle. My new thought is:

My spirit is uplifted!

We were then instructed to use our whole body to express the new thought pattern. So, I leapt in the air, flung my head back, and threw my arms open wide as I verbalized my new thought. In reality I’ve had the potential for this expression within me for a long time. I’ve drawn this expression many times over the years, when I’m feeling particularly happy, or even joyous.

Here is one example I call Blossoming.

You may recall my blog entry from 2011/01/19, in which I included a drawing that very much expresses uplifted spirit. That entry was the last day I smoked. It has now been 83 days that I have been smoke free (not counting today, since the day is not done yet). I have no point to make. It’s Friday. I’m wearing red in honor of soldiers.

My life is good.

Out into the cold wind and rain I go.

Peace be with you,


figuring, imaging, wondering

In this limbo of winter/spring I bravely wore skimpy sandals and a sleeveless shirt today, although I did also wear a jacket and scarf, and yet they were the color of fruit or flower petals.  I feel the ebb and flow of cold wind and warm sun within my cell structure as much as on my skin.  The harsh wind drives me into the silent cave of my internal being.  The enticing sun beckons me outside, to the birds chattering in the trees, to take in the world around me.

It is the same with life; ebb and flow do the social and solitary experiences.  Awareness shifts from impression to expression.  I feel the world impinge its existence on me, as waves on the beach.  And I take the initiative to draw a figure in the sand.  I circumscribe the clouds with my fantasy of flight.  I imagine myself happy, joyous and free. At times, I also wrap myself in a comforter of home, friendship, and rest.  I am born anew each moment from an immanent seed waiting to creep into the sun from out of its weathered husk.