
I’ll have to work on this. I don’t know where to start. Rright now I will say that I feel that I am on a threshold, or maybe I AM a threshold, or a bridge, or conduit or channel. All I know is that I have a very strong call coming through me to be loving, unconditionally, authentically, and consistently. This has been coming for a long time. Over the past five years, various opportunities have helped me expand the dimensions of the faith foundation I was given in the Twelve Step program of Al-Anon. What started as a support group, turned into a mentoring program (due to a loving sponsor), and ended up being a family.  That family is with me in spirit, although I have not been to a meeting since the night of Dad’s 62nd birthday; Sunday, November 25th 2007.  My perspective, my life, and my focus changed dramatically on the night of his death, December 11th, 2007.  It was a unique experience, being with him, holding his hand, singing to him, our whole family, and loving him through the transition. It was also very traumatic. I went inward, emotionally. I also began a search for understanding about physical death and spiritual life.  I read and wrote a lot over the past two years, trying to learn about connections between living humans and non-physical beings. During my process of dealing with the loss of Dad, and Grama, less than a year later, I have repeatedly sensed their presence, their energy, their memory, in dreams, visions, or just in a knowing sensation. I know they are encouraging me to be strong and to be loving. I am continually exploring the qualities of energy, light, prayer, consciousness, and love that call me to share, in the moment, each blessing that the grace of this life has given me.  I am grateful to be blessed with the gift of many friends, family, and acquaintances. The threshold, turning point, the way through, the bridge, whatever this facet of experience is, now presents me with the opportunity to be a timeless love connection with all that is.  So…

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