
I have a vague sense of what it might be like to just be. Currently, I’m gaining awareness about all the attachment I have to thoughts, feelings, characteristics and perceptions.  However, as I move through an 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction class, and read the accompanying book, “Full Catastrophe Living” by Jon Kabat-Zinn, I’m learning that those attachments limit me, even though some aspect of my psyche (ego, I guess) equates them with safety, self-preservation, or maybe just a sense of self.  As I experience mindfulness practices of sitting meditation, body scan, and yoga, along with the principles of compassion, acceptance, patience, trust, beginners mind, non-striving, and letting go, I’m noticing that I don’t really need all of those attachments.  Just being is enough.  Awareness is helpful, perception is not always helpful, since it’s skewed.  Discernment is helpful, judgement is not usually helpful.  Letting go is very helpful.  Building trust in myself is an essential part of this experience. I am so grateful for Mindfulness class!

Through a Jungian Lens

“As we peel off the layers of persona and expose the essence of who we are. As we make this journey during which we shed masks our load becomes lighter and our inner beauty is allowed to shine through. It is when we are authentic and transparent that we sense the more numinous aspect of self, that which we ascribe to an outer god. Individuation is about separating from the collective and allowing the fullness of the individual to emerge. And in the process, the self then sees its true connection to the whole.”

via Through a Jungian Lens.


We were told on Wednesday that our boss is resigning. It was a total shock. My personal feelings about this situation are mixed and strong. The times they are a-changin’, to be sure, for everyone.

awareness, acceptance, action

“Why is that, do you think?” I think this is a quote from The Matrix, but I’ll have to watch it again to be sure. The Matrix reminds me of how important it is to be aware of reality. Then I can accept it and choose what I want/need, and take appropriate action, or inaction, what ever the case may be.

Tuesday 11:50am

 One of our coworkers’ last day was yesterday, so now we are down to 8. Next month our student will graduate, and we’ll be down to 7. We will also be moving, probably next month, and instead of having our own hallway all to ourselves, we’ll be sharing with two other departments.  the movers dropped off 100 boxes today. We have everything planned out that we can so far. Just need to pack when it gets closer to the move date. I feel sort of like I’m floating through a surreal landscape… everything is changing.  Fortunately I have lots of wonderful relationships to ground me in loving reality. All is Well.