Peace and Love

Recently as I was trying to fall asleep, and my brain was stonewalling the process, I realized that I was a.) wishing reality were different, and b.) judging a person I love, both with the hopeless goal of feeling better.  I had chosen the situation and the person, and yet I was denying responsibility for my choice and failing to enact the grace of  being in the moment.   Then the Universe gave me an epiphany.  A wormhole in my awareness opened up and I remembered that one definition of peace of mind is accepting reality, and I remembered that love does not judge.  So, accepting that a person, place, or situation is what it is in this moment, and loving myself and the other person, all-inclusive of our unique qualities and flaws (perceived or real), became a meditation for me as I then let go of the judgement and the denial, took a few relaxing breaths, and promptly fell asleep.