
May felt like a lost month. Now we are completely packed and ready to move on Monday.  I was feeling overwhelmed for weeks, and coping by isolating myself and vegging out, mostly, but also doing some fun things like going to baseball games and live music shows.  Yesterday I had a wonderful angel reading.  Part of the message was about moving on; releasing the past, and opening to new and different experiences and environments.  Obviously, moving to a new building and location is shaking things up a bit, physically, but the message also referred to mental, emotional and spiritual changes.  During the move preparations one of the things we did was evaluate stored files to see if they could be purged or if we needed to retain them.  This process reduced the amount of baggage we’ll take with us to our new space.  It seems like that needs to happen for me internally as well.  Fortunately my angel reading included an energy healing, which dissolved chords of energy attached to a past life wound; released old baggage, so, the process has already begun.  Thank you Vibrant Vessel, Leann! Thank you Archangels Raphael and Michael, and Guardian angels and Spirit Guides.  I need all the support and encouragement I can get.  I know that I am not alone.  Namaste