Family time

I got to spend some quality time with my nephew last night.  He came to a college basketball game with us.  It was very rewarding to hear him say he enjoyed spending time with us.  He is 15 years old. We had great conversations about life on our way to and from the game, a 40 minute drive each way.  It gives me another reason to be grateful for being smoke free.

Have a wonderful weekend…

Peace, Julia

28 days smoke free!

Copyright Sheila Wolk, Applejack Licensing

This is a greeting card Dad gave me on my birthday, not sure what year, maybe 2003 or 2004. Inside, it says, "Congratulations on the strides you're making. You express the power of the One. Happy B-Day! Love, Dad

I’m not a cocky person, so when I proclaim this announcement, it is with awe and wonder, not with an air of achievement, or conquest.  I truly believe that my only contribution to being smoke-free is that I gently cultivated a willingness over time to visualize myself as content and at ease without smoking.  The decision to abstain came as a surprise to me.  Something had shifted.  Less than two days before I stopped, I had bought a pack of cigarettes and enjoyed every one of them over the course of those couple of days.  On January 20th I chose not to buy any cigarettes.  Since then I’ve continued the visualizations.   Late at night is the hardest.  The image of enjoying the last cigarette of the day as a way to completely relax is very strong for me.  So, I’m looking for different images to visualize at bed time.  For now, I’m just looking at it as a gift.  Somehow a space opened up for grace to slip in where there had been only stubbornness and rigidity before.  So, we shall see what evolves in this new opening… more will be revealed.

Vibrant Vessel

Angel reading

I had an angel reading today, with a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, Vibrant Vessel. The first thing that came through was archangel Azrael with a “hello from heaven” message. The message was from Dad. It was so good to communicate with him!  The message was that he is happy, healthy, and whole.  He loves me very much.  He can be with me any time and has been with me through the many challenges and changes I’ve been through.  Actually, I’m pretty certain he’s helping me with smoking abstention!

21 days smoke free…

… and counting.  This is a miracle.  I’m doing very poorly on the exercise, and have not changed my eating habits, but somehow have been blessed with the grace to go through cigarette withdrawal.  Last week the  cravings were strong.  This week, not so much craving, just realizing that the comforting habit I’ve stalwartly defended and embraced for so long is absent, and I’m ok without it.  I miss it, though.  I think I’m pouting, or maybe just mourning the absence.  In time I’ll understand that, unlike a friend who moves away and I continue to be nourished by our relationship, cigarettes are not going to uplift me from afar.  And that is ok.

New Moon

I misspoke two weeks ago about the status of the moon.  Initially I wrote NEW, but it was FULL.  Now it’s the New Moon’s turn, I would say “to shine”, but that is not what we see.  It basically seems to disappear. It’s the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.  But there is still plenty of light reflecting off the moon.  We just can’t see it.  The moon is between us and the sun, so the side facing away from us is the illuminated side, and the side facing us is the dark or seemingly invisible side.   The psychological astrology interpretation of that could be that the new moon is a time to delve inward, into our internal selves, our emotions, our relationship with our self, or perhaps our subconscious. What is my relationship with myself like? How do I reflect that out into the world?  What do I keep inside or out of sight?  This is definitely a subject for pondering.  As I move through my 14th smoke free day, leisurely watching the snow drift around my car, I recognize gratitude for a day to stay in.  Schools are closed.  Many people I know are working from home.  I’m taking the opportunity to simply rest.  Reflection may come at some point. Maybe later, after I dig my car out and eat lunch and take a nap.  Actually, reflection is happening all the time.  The question is, when will I tune in?  More will be revealed…

(moon phase descriptions: